July 6, 2019. Street fair on Eighth Avenue from 42 to 57th. So many things for them to see!

Visited Grand Central Station for a bite to eat.

Waiting for a bus - again.

A cup of fresh watermelon. Yum.

A henna tattoo.

Lots of souvenirs to choose from.

In the halls of Grand Central.

A cookie so big it fed 3 people.

Zodiac signs on the ceiling in Grand Central.

The henna tattoo man at work.

Grandpa in front and Nana in back escorting the young ladies.

I see my birth sign.

Waiting for the bus (again).

Buying stuff.

Passed him on the walk home. "Think Big" (good idea)

More "stuff" at the street fair.

Waiting our turn.

Love jewelry.

Grand Central Station smile.

Oh boy
Oh boy. Macaroons! Then looked at the price for each tiny morsel. $2.75 each! What!?!

Watermelon lady.

More street fair stuff.

Outside of Grand Central.

Eating my street food - gyro with everything on it.

The "crooked" building with a swimming pool up in the air.

Trying on some silly sunglasses.

These are our price. Let's take a look.

Street fair stuff.

The famous "fake news" New York Times building.

Grand Central looks so big.

That macaroon place.

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