Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Guess when the time comes you realize most of your life is behind you, looking back is unavoidable. Some memories are as fresh as when they occurred while others must be dug out. One embedded in my soul is when he proposed (September -- 46 years ago).

HIM (down on one knee in his apt kitchen): Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?
ME: When?
HIM (puzzled look on his face): Spring?
ME: No
HIM: Christmas?
ME: No
HIM: Thanksgiving?
ME: No
HIM: OK. When?
ME: How about Saturday? (he proposed on Wednesday)

We had dated for 5 weeks. He told his parents on Friday night and we were married on Saturday. Fate? Pre-destined? God's hand? I have no idea. But how fortunate to meet the love of your life and know it immediately. Looking back, looking forward -- I just want to be with him. Sappy ain't it? I don't really care.

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