Miss Louise allowed us to join her class. We ate lunch with the class then stayed a little while to watch. It was delightful.

Lunch with Little K. And I got to sit next to him. Fun!

Sitting in the circle while Miss Louise talks. When we arrived the class was making banana bread. Students taking turns reading the recipe while others had a turn at breaking eggs or stirring. The class smelled delicious.

Our last night in Atlanta and our youngest came straight from work to say goodbye. And she was wearing one of her Hawaiian scrub tops. Sweet girl. It is always great to see the kids - in the summer while it is still warm.
Using the newest capability on the iPhone. Caleb and Tanner share earphones while talking "face to face" with their NYC Uncle and his family. A good time was had by all.

It is nice to see Jeff so happy to be getting one year older. Gad zooks, that means I am a year older too.

We had a great birthday dinner with Dad, Tanner and Caleb. Oh those ribs were so good.

This piece was made by a young NYC artist, Pedro Ramerez Jr. Purchased this piece as a gift so got to visit it too. She is as pretty as I remembered so had to snap a photo of her.

Ginger isn't so sure Sandy wants to be friends.

Ginger came to visit and meet Sandy.
The newest member of the family is Sandy the cat.

After a nice visit in NYC we hopped a plane to see even more family. Looks like maybe they were happy to see us. We certainly were glad to see them.
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