I learned that royal jelly is the special food produced to feed the queen bee in a hive. The supply of royal jelly is nowhere near that of honey. Royal jelly is the key ingredient in many products.
One example of royal jelly being put to use is in a multi-purose vitamin.

Here is a snapshot of our hostess, Chris. She is a good example of the success in the use of the Jafa Royal Jelly line. Her skin was really pretty (luminous). She also uses Jafa products for her hair.
Everyone began by soaking our feet in a combination of water, a Jafa product and sea salt. We experienced a "mini" massage by having marbles in each container and rolling them around with our feet. It felt nice.

Cris (with a flower in her hair - as usual) is relaxing with her feet in a pan of warm water. We could all hear the sound of the marbles being rolled around in each pan.

You can tell by the smiles everyone was enjoying the experience!
After soaking our feet we each did an exfoliating exercise using scented sea salt. Next came a foot massage. We were to massage our own foot but two of the ladies thought it might be more fun if they tried a massage on the other. It looks as thought they enjoyed it.
Another photo of some of the large variety of items in the line. Kind of like another line of ladies' products (I will not name) but a nicer, more subtle choice of fragrances (at least for me). What kind of things you ask? Well, shampoo, conditioner, facial masks and moisturizers, exfoliants, lotions, soap, sunscreen among others. A nice evening was had by all.
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