John and I have made many new acquaintances and friends while working at Rivington House. John works in the library. He helps residents find books that may interest them. Many people come and go while he is in the library. Lots of them smile when they walk in and see that John is there. Sometimes when I am walking in the halls a person will ask, "aren't you John's wife?" At Rivington House you actually know and feel that you are making a difference!

The Rivington House Library also has computers that are connected to the web. John provides help with web searches, with establishing or checking email accounts, writing letters, printing, and lots of other computer-related stuff.

A recreational therapist requested someone from the volunteer coordinator to be a "friendly visitor." That sounded like it could be a good fit for me. So I was given the name of several residents who may enjoy a visit now and then. We play dominoes (I generally lose), play cards, play catch with a beach ball, put together puzzles, or sometimes just walk around for a change of scenery. Rivington House also has an enclosed, pretty garden. On nice days we might go outside and enjoy the garden. At this time of the year the garden is starting to show its buds and spring flowers. It is amazing to see how far a smile can go.

We both will miss our friends and the time we spend at Rivington House once we leave NYC. Rivington House is unique, unlike facilities anywhere in the other 49 states trying to provide this type of service!
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