Our little guy has never lived in a high rise building. When I tried to explain to him that his cousin lived just a little bit away from us up the hall he didn't seem to understand. He was delighted when he realized that a little bit away meant just one apartment door away! He could run to see his cousin without even putting his shoes on. As you can see in this photo, our six year old taught the three year old some new tricks. You know, like let's make a monster face when Nana tries to take our photo.
Our little mate became restless when the younger one went down for a nap. Grandpop took him downtown to show him the seaport. Here he is riding on the trusty old M15 bus. Looking out the window he can see the Brooklyn Bridge. Although we rode many different busses he soon learned that the way home most of the time was on the M15.
At the seaport there is a small mall. Each floor in the mall is surrounded on three sides by a large covered wooden deck. He was delighted to see there was still snow/ice on the deck.
John told the little one about the Statue of Liberty being nearby. From the seaport you can see her raised arm with her hand holding the torch. I think in this photo he is trying to get a better view.
This photo was taken on the third, or top, deck of the building. Keary is interested in the ice at his feet. Behind him you can see the wooden deck furniture that is there for the public to sit and watch the river. The buildings across the water are in Brooklyn. The bridge nearest to the deck is the Brooklyn Bridge and the further one is the Manhattan Bridge. Our little guy was not impressed.
He agreed to having this photo taken because he wanted a record of the piece of ice in his hand. Oh to be 6 again.
These two had a great time being together. He introduced her to the wonders of Sponge Bob, Gary, Partick and Squidwerd. I am certain her parents were delighted. In this photo she is wearing an Elmo helmet. She has fallen in love with that helmet and now wants to wear it day and night. It looks as though she may be doing monster faces for a while.
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