Thursday, June 19, 2008

Memories of Thailand

Memories -- Thailand stole my heart. I remember most of all – the people. The people of Thailand are warm, giving, shy, patient, and generous. I write about the wonderful people that live in the non-tourist areas of the country. There are Buddhist temples (wats) in the villages and towns. The resident monks are serene, quiet, and kind. Many of the schools in the country are associated with a temple. This is because the first teachers were the monks. And the children, oh, the children. They are one of the country's greatest treasures. I had the privilege to practice teach for two short weeks. The teacher as well as the students gave me indelible memories that will be with me forever.

We lived with a Thai family for 10 weeks and became their “grandparents.” It was so very easy to grow to love them. Some photos of them are below.

Leaving the country long before my expected 27 months of service broke my heart. Unfortunately, my up-front personality was not a good fit for the gentle culture of the Thais. But Thailand will beckon to me until the end of my days.

The two youngsters are age 10 and 19. This lovely girl is a college student. She came home to visit frequently.

Here we all are together. This was one handsome family!

The family is posing in front of two spirit houses in our yard. They are beautiful carved wood and beautifully painted.

We even had a pet dog. Each day upon leaving on our bikes or coming home she was there to greet us. When arriving home she would often bring me a "gift" of a leaf or a twig. I also firmly believe she smiled at us too!

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