On the floor an outline of Thailand has been taped. The pieces of paper indicate locations of assignments. We had to stand outside of the country line until our name was called and our location revealed.
Anticipation was half of the fun waiting for the announcements. The faces are eager.
These faces show happy anticipation. Each of us was happy for the other.
First absorb as much information as you can as fast as you can and then . . .
Sharing the information with each other is part of the fun. We quickly became a large extended family.
These sweethearts were offering free hugs to any and all - can you read the sign on their shirts?
Can you tell that the young lady in the center with her hands raised in the air was happy with her assignment? She also let out a loud Whoopie!
Someone got a hold of my camera and snapped this of John and me. The pink folder in my lap held details of our assignment.
Here is our safety and security officer. He may be smiling but he takes our safety VERY SERIOUSLY.
And this is Sean. He is our guide on cultural issues.
More cultural insights. Every little bit helps!
Bill is sharing some insights from his practice teaching work. We all share and learn from each other. Each person is having a unique experience. It is fun to hear from everybody else.
Got a cultural question? No problem. Just drop it in the basket.

This map shows the north and northeastern part of the country and where some of us will be living.
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