Those of us in the teaching group found out where we are assigned for our practice teaching. This is a photo of the wat where I have been assigned along with two wonderful, experienced teachers. In the group of three I am the novice. A significant number of schools in Thailand are on or near wat grounds. For centuries education has been done by the monks. All of the wats we have seen thus far are spectacularlly beautiful. This photo is of only a small part of the wat campus.
We were biking past the wat today so I took John in to see some of the grounds. This photo is a closeup to show the detail on just one gate. Every building is more fascinating than the last one.
Our group of three teachers visited the two classrooms assigned to us for practice teaching. One is a 6th grade of about 19 students while the second is a 7th grade. We intended to sit in the back during our first visit to observe how the class was taught but . . . the children are so very engaging we could not help but start right in - just talking in English. We introduced ourselves and it went from there. The most experienced among us took the textbook used for English and began to pantomime the topic discussed. The kids adored her! As the least experienced I plan to watch my two co-PC teachers closely and learn all I can. These 10 weeks of training are going to fly by!
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