We are all studying as hard as we can. So many things to learn and so little time! We have hands on work as well as theoretical information. Whew! PC decided to give us a change of pace so we had Sports Day yesterday. We all loaded on to various vehicles and ventured out to a different village in a more rural location. Sports Day was located on the grounds of a school that has a total of 50 students. We were treated to some wonderful music provided by the students. They all were spic and span and dressed alike in lilac pants and white shirt. We ultimately found out that all of the students in the school can play all of the instruments we saw. And they were so very good!
We were divided into 6 teams. Each team was a different color. You can see in the photos we wore our colors proudly!

In this photo you can see a PC staffer trying her hand at one of the instruments. They all looked very difficult to me!

John tried to pick out Twinkle Twinkle Little Star but with no success. These children are really talented!. The instruments look hard to master.

This game has a Thai name but to me it is Bocci Ball very much like that played in Italy. In case you cant tell - I was on the green team! Go GREEN!

This is a photo taken during our soccer game - termed "football" in Thailand. The interesting part is that for our game the only rule was you could not touch the ball with your hands. So us Greenies decided to have 5 people be goalie. Well, our opposition also decided to have 5 goalies so no points were scored during the game. But fun was had by all.

This game is strictly Thai I believe. It is called the snake game. Two teams with five players each. The team color is placed on the back of the last person in a line of all team members. The opposition's goal is to grab the color of the other "snake". This was lots of fun to watch but I don't think it is suitable for a 64 year old woman. Do you?

This is part of a relay race we had. Megan is trying to hurry up threading a needle. Not as easy as you may think. We also had people racing to blow up a balloon until it bursts, dig through a plate of flower to fish out a coin - with their teeth and no hands, carry a ping pong ball with chopsticks as well as others.

Yep, Chris was elected for the find the coin in the flower part of relay. And this is after he cleaned up!

The next few photos are of a competition making Som Tam. It is made with a mortar and pestle. The ingredients include Papaya, tomato, onion, green beens, sugar, salt, a garlic clove and some HOT peppers if desired. Actually each cook makes Som Tam to their own liking. It can also have shrimp, crab, fish, fish sauce, peanuts, etc.
Members of the PC staff were judges of the resulting Som Tam. My team, the GREENS, came in third (I say proudly). The pink team won. I think Roxy must have had some secret lessons when we weren't looking.