Sunday, September 15, 2019

The week before school began was spent with Nana.  We took advantage of the "we" time to go on a children's tour of the United Nations.  The tour is designed for 20 kids ages 7-12.  We arrived and checked in.  When time came to be called for the tour there was ONE kid! Mine!  We received a personal tour.  We met Rabeea.  Rabeea is from Pakistan.  We had a tour and made a friend.  Rabeea came the following week to share dinner.   We spent time learning about her while she learned about us.

A sculpture in the entry area from Finland.
At the entry is a piece inspired by a quote from Nelson Mandela. "The best weapon is to sit down and talk."

Learning about the golden rule with Rabeea, our Kids' tour guide.

A statue of Mandela stands in the entry lobby.

Rabeea points out the 193 flags that fly in front of the UN complex.  She explains they are in alphabetical order according to the English alphabet.  Can you guess which country comes first (starts with A) and which country is last (starts with a Z).  We learned some new things from Rabeea.

After a conflict a musician/artist chose to convert a rifle to a guitar and donated it to the UN as a vision of  peace.
Rabeea and our youngest NY grand in one of the many council chambers at the UN.

There was a display of about 14 large photos of young girls. Each girl was asked what they envisioned/dreamed for their future.  I asked our little one to choose 3 to be photographed standing next to.  These are her three along with the quote from each girl.
Our youngster has expressed interest in becoming a lawyer.  Of course two of the three she chose also want to be lawyers.

A sculpture that captures the spirit on which the United Nations was founded.

Posters and information from the UN went to school for the teacher the next day.

Rabeea explaining the basic principles on which the UN was founded.


A large sculpture is dedicated to remembering the legacy/shame of slavery in the United States.  It illustrates how the human cargo was forced to lay in straight rows on multiple decks of ships crossing from Africa.  They were chained, deprived of basic human needs and forced against their will away from their homes and into labor in a strange land.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Attended an animal pastel class taught by Karen Miura (  There were 20 students.  We were asked to bring a B&W close up of our pet's face as well as a copy of the color print the B&W was taken from.  Karen is a patient and gifted teacher.  She was accompanied by her dog Lucy.  Lucy walked freely about while we had our class.  Each student left with a really nice pastel of their pet that they had done themselves.   We sat at tables of 6 and 8.  We all shared stories about our pets.

Our retired seeing eye dog, Higgins

Ms Kitty
Our cat Ms Kitty