The concept of a marriage between Jafra and massage is the baby of a friend and Jofra consultant here in Hawaii -- Cris Monis Kaniaupio. Thank you Cris! We had a Jafra massage workshop n the club house next to our pool. Two massage therapists came with all of their equipment. They each performed a facial, neck and shoulder massage using Jafra products. There were two volunteer "customers".
The clubhouse offered us a place mostly out of the sun to set up the massage tables.
All set and ready to begin.
Jafra has products for everything from the top of the head to the tip of the toes. Here are just a few.
We had one female volunteer (above with green face - actually a mud mask containing salt from the Dead Sea).
The massage was so very relaxing - it seemed difficult to not fall asleep.
Of course both genders had to be represented! Our male volunteer also found the Jafra/Massage experience very relaxing.
The time came for turnabout. One of the therapists became one of the clients.
The client has the opportunity to experience a number of Jafra products.
The smile on our friend's face expresses the enjoyment felt when having, and after, a Jafra/Massage experience!